“ASET,” Oil on aged paper. 2022. Private art collection.


“I Am”

Woke3's newest collection of paintings is a stunning display of his incredible talent for portraiture. Each portrait in the series is based on a real-life person, whether it's someone he knows personally or a chance encounter on the streets. What sets these paintings apart is the use of aged poster paper as the canvas for each piece, adding a unique and captivating texture to the final product. The use of oil paints creates an added depth and richness, breathing life into the subjects and making them feel all the more real.

The historical significance of the poster paper used in Woke’s latest series adds a fascinating layer to the artwork. The paper was originally used as proofs for burlap bags produced by the Werthan Bag Company, which has now been repurposed into the Werthan Mills Lofts in Nashville, TN. This unique historical context merges the figures in the portraits with the material they're painted on, creating a powerful and thought-provoking story that the viewer can envision and appreciate.